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LGBTQ+ Today
29 décembre 2022

Understanding and Acceptance of the Transgender Community

Gender dysphoria and transitioning can be daunting and it results from gender identity assigned at birth. It's even harder to unlearn old ideas of your gender identity based on expectations, interaction with others, dress code and more. At an early age, the societal setting expects a child to be raised with defined gender of masculinity or femininity.

However, transgender identity is on its own, and stereotypes are ingrained in our societies with their defined scope of gender. No one questions the gender they are assigned at birth, and you might identify as transgender, genderqueer or gender non-conforming. The Ebony BBC archives reveal people born and assigned the wrong gender identity at birth. In this article, we'll delve into transgender identity.


What's Gender Identity and the Types of Gender Identities?

Gender identity describes oneself on gender and can be masculine or feminine, while others may identify as neither. It might sound confusing, but gender identity may differ from the gender assigned at birth. People define gender identity as a spectrum based on feelings or sexuality. However, at a tender age, one might be uncertain of their gender identity, which may change with time (gender fluid). Below are some types of gender identities:

Trans or Transgender

Who is a transgender person? Transgender refers to an identity that varies from the gender assigned at birth based on how the body looks. Upon development, the gender doesn't conform to the sex assigned after birth. As a result, the person's behavior and expression are gender non-conforming.

Gender Queer, Non-Binary or Gender Fluid

The person's identity fails to suit either sex, and they are not male or female. They may identify as neither, both or somewhere in the middle. In this identity, one could fall under multiple sexual selections or orientations based on their preferences.


This is where one's gender identity relates to the gender identity assigned at birth. For example, a man who was labelled male or a woman who was given the female gender at birth is under the category of cisgender.

Gender identities also encompass pangender, agender, neutral and many more. Each identity has different traits or a combination of several identities.


How to Be Transgender Without Surgery

People may be compelled to transition by aligning their gender expression. Medical transitioning may involve surgery or hormone replacement therapy. However, changing from man to woman may not necessarily require medical help. One can express their identity physically by changing their dress code and changing their legal documents and name. In addition, they can fit cis-normative standards by socially expressing themselves.

There's evidence of trans people in history, emperors adopting feminine dress codes. Transitioning is remarkable, but medical surgery or hormonal therapy might lead to adverse health implications, including blood clots. One can be transgender by following a social form of gender expression.


Why Do People Become Transgender?

A transgender person is born with a genetic make-up that matches a typical male or female trait, thus assigned a specific gender. However, gender expression, identity and behavior do not conform to the Identity facts. Since gender identity develops at the age of two years, hormonal changes may alter the genetic composition. However, gender incongruence is linked with brain structure and other biological factors.

A Bisexual, transgender person, for instance, is attracted to the same gender or different gender or both, despite being assigned varying birth gender identity. Male transgender affirmation aligns their gender to the male figure, while a female transgender person who was assigned male during birth transitions fully to a female figure through affirmation.


How Many People Are Transgender?

According to research, transgender identity ranges from about 0.1 to 0.6 % of the entire population. The statistics are obtained based on sexual behavior, and about 0.5% comprise adults in the age bracket of 18-24, while 0.3% comprise seniors above the age of 65. Transgender identity is part of the LGBTQ+ community, but getting the precise figures is challenging since the findings are calculated based on responses from respondents who voluntarily participate in the surveys.

Transsexual Vs Transgender Meaning

A person is considered a transsexual if their gender identity is inconsistent with the assigned sex and is willing to permanently transition to the gender in which they identify. A Female to male transgender, for instance, refers to a person assigned the female gender during birth but identifies on the male spectrum.  A transsexual may imply one desire to have gender-affirmative medical intervention.

On the other hand, transgender is an umbrella term that defines an individual whose gender differs from the one assigned at birth in terms of behavior or expression. Some people may identify as transgender if their gender is neither male nor female. For example, a transgender woman was assigned male gender at birth but had the gender identity of a female. In contrast, a transgender man was given a female identity at birth but identified as a male gender.

So, what is the difference between transgender and transsexual? The difference solely lies in the act that a transsexual has undergone gender transition through medical interventions to affirm exclusively the gender identity assigned during birth. At the same time, transgender represents all gender non-conforming identities.


Wrapping Up

Facing a gender question can be debilitating, especially if one isn't certain of their gender identity based on gender nonconformity traits. Transgender people face stigma based on their gender identity, and some face discrimination. However, LGBTQ+ acknowledges gender identity. Due to the state of gender nonconformity, some opt to undergo surgery and transition or align their gender identity.

One can be transgender without transitioning or undergoing surgery. Transgender with social dysphoria can seek help from psychotherapists. The transgender identity is diverse, and all face similar challenges. However, a transgender has the right to gender expression, presentation and identity. In addition, one can opt for their preferred sexual orientation.
